Custom Diameter 4Z Adjustable Pitch Lift Fan

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  • Regular price $466.00
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Custom Adjustable Pitch Lift Fan, 6 or 9 blade (select number of blades) adjustable pitch lift fan,  please select number of blades, right or left and bore size. During "check out" in notes specify the diameter and pitch angles in degress, 25° is standard. Stock 1" or 1.125" bore (select bore size), 2.45" 6 bolt pattern. The fan has been assembled, balanced, and drilled for mounting. Other bores and bolt patterns are possible as well.

Please indicate desired overall diameter size of fan by contacting us; we can do anywhere from 20" to 32" with these 4ZL blades. If needed we can configure any multiwing fan. Horse Power matching service too.

International shipments can be disassembled for $35 to reduce size and cost, calculated once ordered. Instructions will be included for re-assembly, and marked for correct balance.